Before your electrolysis treatment:

  • Keep yourself well hydrated. Hairs slide out of the follicle much easier when you're hydrated.

  • If you have been shaving before starting electrolysis, please allow 3-5 days worth of growth to ensure your hairs are in anagen growing cycle, and so the hairs can be easily removed.

  • Avoid abrasive skin facials or chemical peels one week prior and post treatment.

After your electrolysis treatment:

  • Avoid touching the treated area for 24 hours after treatment, as your pores are open and this can increase your chances of infection.

  • Avoid saunas and swimming pools for the first 24 hours.

  • You can apply witch hazel, aloe vera or an ice pack after your treatment to soothe the treated area.

  • Occasionally a small scab may form around the follicle. Please avoid picking, scratching or rubbing the scab. When the underlying skin heals the crust will fall off leaving the skin normal.

  • If you need to remove hairs between appointments please shave, trim or use depilatory cream. Waxing, plucking and sugaring interfere with electrolysis, and need to be avoided.

  • Avoid direct sunlight for the first 48 hours after treatment to avoid pigmentation.